Sunday, January 4, 2009

One week down 23 more to go......

So this first week went by pretty quickly. I drank in the New Year and still did not gain any weight woo hoo Momma!!!!! I lost about 2 pounds which is great for me. I have lost 6 pounds in the last 3 weeks which is awesome considering I went home and pigged out for the holidays!!!! This week begins my normal schedule though. Meg goes back to school and Barrys hours will be more regular. Hopefully I will be able to stay awake past 8 to go to the gym. I have been helping my other competitor out too by watching her kids so she can work out while hubby is at work late. I need the competition to be fair and if she can not go to the gym or work out then it is just not competitive and I truly need it to work. I am thinking that us three ladies need to meet up once a month to talk about our progress and to help step up our game. I I know that someone is winning it will put me into overdrive and help me to be triumphant lol!!!! Plus I want the cash at the end of the bet so I can go and get me a new tattoo(up above)!!

One another not my side bet starts in one week and hopefully I will be down about 2-3 more pounds if I work my arse off this week. This bet has more embarrassing consequences. The loser has to take the other out and the winner gets to decide where they go and what they have to wear. So far we have been fairly nice to one another and have not been outlandish. This time though I was told I would have to look like a hooker well not really but wear a dress and heels and if you know me that is like the worst thing I could possibly have to do for no reason. Plus I would not want to dress to the nines and go to McDonalds for dinner or something.

1 comment:

  1. does that turtle have a penis for a tail?? Im concerned here.... GO MELISSA!!!!!!!!!!
